Diabetes mellitus is a disease that develops due to the immunity of body cells to the sugar-lowering hormone. If the pancreas does not produce insulin at all, then type 1 diabetes is diagnosed. In other cases - the 2nd type. How can diabetes be cured and is it possible to get rid of it forever?

diet therapy
It is possible to cure diabetes in its early stages with the help of treatment with diet and fasting. Doctors recommend fractional nutrition. Diabetics should eat as often as possible (ideally 5-6 times a day) in small portions. Based on body weight, the number of calories per day is calculated at the rate of 25 kcal / kg.
To properly treat diabetes, the following principles should be adhered to:
- stop drinking and smoking;
- reduce salt consumption;
- make a diet such that half of the fat is of vegetable origin;
- limit sugary foods: cakes, candies, ice cream, jams, sodas, fruit juices;
- exclude fatty broths, muffins, red fish, sausages, hard cheeses, rice and semolina from the menu;
- Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals: nuts, vegetables, fruits.
Usually, the menu consists of low-calorie foods with a minimal carbohydrate content. However, it cannot be done without them altogether. It is the source of energy for the body. Slow complex carbohydrates are beneficial. They gradually raise blood sugar without overloading the pancreas.
It is desirable that foods rich in fiber be included in the diet of patients with diabetes. This substance is useful for violations of metabolic processes in the body. Vegetable fiber slows down the absorption of excess glucose in the small intestine, reducing its concentration in the blood. It also removes toxins, toxins and excess water. If the patient needs to lose weight, then plant cellulose is a great choice. This substance swells in the stomach and gives a feeling of fullness. Diabetics do not suffer from severe hunger. At the same time, fiber is low in calories.
One-fifth of the food that diabetics consume should be protein. Proteins of plant and animal origin are involved in the body's recovery process. Along with that, animal proteins impair kidney function, so their amounts should not be exceeded.
The diabetic diet also includes fat. They are found in meat products, fish, and eggs.
insulin therapy
Treat type 1 diabetes with insulin injections. Immediately after the start of therapy, the so-called honeymoon begins. During this stage, blood sugar levels are kept within normal limits without the need for frequent injections. After a while it increased again. If you do not lower the glucose level with insulin, then coma and death will occur.
To prolong the favorable period for several years, it is necessary to use insulin in low doses (1-3 IU per day). There are 4 main types of insulin: ultra-short, short, medium, and long-lasting. Ultrashort is considered the fastest.
Insulin therapy is prescribed on an individual basis. Self-monitoring records of diabetic patients were taken into account. The doctor studies how the blood glucose changes during the day, at what time the patient eats breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Preparations containing insulin are administered by injection and with the help of an insulin pump. The second method is more convenient: the pump is ideal for controlling diabetes in children, because due to the child's age, the child is not able to self-inject the drug.
Unlike traditional syringes, this device helps to better control diabetes. This is a small device with a needle connected to a long thin tube. The needle is inserted under the skin, most often in the abdomen, and remains there. Pump belt worn. It provides a constant flow of the drug into the bloodstream at a certain rate. Change it every 3 days.
Medical treatment
Drugs other than insulin injections play a small role in the treatment of type 1 diabetes. However, they facilitate the course of the disease. This is especially true for drugs in the biguanide class.
For hypertension, patients with type 1 diabetes are prescribed angiotensin-II receptor blockers or ACE inhibitors. These pills not only lower blood pressure but also slow the development of kidney complications. It is recommended to take the drug with a blood pressure reading of 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher.
Cardiologists and therapists often prescribe acetylsalicylic acid to diabetics. This substance is taken daily in small doses. It is thought to reduce the risk of heart attack.
It has been shown that both type 1 and type 2 diabetes simultaneously increase levels of sugar and bad cholesterol. Therefore, the patient was prescribed a statin. However, these drugs cause side effects: memory problems, increased fatigue, liver dysfunction. A low-carbohydrate diet is a good alternative to statins. It normalizes blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Physical activities
Exercise is an effective way to control type 1 diabetes. Patients need aerobic and anaerobic exercise. In the first case, it is cross-country skiing, swimming, jogging, cycling. In the second part - strength training in the gym. Combine aerobic activities with alternate day anaerobic activities. Adults need at least 5 half-hour sessions per week. Children - daily for 1 hour training.
Only start exercising after consulting your doctor. Make sure that the heart can withstand such a load. To do this, take an EKG. If complications have developed in the legs, kidneys or vision, this leads to a limited choice of types of physical activity.
In type 1 diabetes, exercise has an ambiguous effect on health. In some cases, they lower the sugar for a long time, up to 36 hours from the end of the trading session. In contrast, in others, they increase. Therefore, every 30 minutes, check your blood glucose levels with a glucometer. Over time you will understand how physical activity affects it.
Folk method
Folk remedies are also used to treat diabetes. Here are the popular recipes.
- lemon and egg. The first component normalizes blood pressure and reduces blood glucose levels. Second - provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Mix 50 ml of fresh lemon juice with 5 quail eggs or 1 chicken egg. Take the remedy once 30 minutes before a meal. Treatment regimen: 3 days to drink the preparation, then 3 days off. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
- Healer Recipe. Materials needed: 100 g of lemon zest, 300 g of parsley (leaves), 300 g of peeled garlic. Wash the parsley roots, peel the garlic and put it all in a meat grinder. Stir the resulting mixture and transfer to a glass container. Put it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Drink 1 teaspoon. 30 minutes before a meal. Frequency of application - 3 times a day.
Lemon, parsley, acorn, walnut leaves, burdock root, cinnamon can be used to treat diabetes.
- acorns. The composition of acorns includes a valuable substance called tannin. It actively fights inflammatory processes in the body, strengthens the cardiovascular system. Peel the fruit. Dry the core in a hot oven. Grind the ingredients in a coffee grinder into a powder. Fill with boiled water and take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach before lunch and dinner. The end of the course of treatment is determined by a blood test.
- Walnut leaf decoction. To prepare the drink, you need 1 tbsp. l. dried and crushed leaves. Fill them with 500 ml of boiled water. Then boil the mixture for 15 minutes over low heat. Let cool and infuse for 40 minutes. Then strain and take 0. 5 tbsp. 3 times a day.
- Cinnamon. Pour in cinnamon powder 1 tbsp. hot water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, add honey (2 parts honey 1 part cinnamon). Place the product in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After the allotted time, divide the infusion into two parts. Drink one glass 30 minutes before breakfast. The second is before going to bed. The duration of the course of treatment is not more than 7 days.
- Burdock juice. This plant effectively lowers blood sugar. Dig up young burdock roots. Rinse thoroughly and blend ingredients in a blender. Wrap the gel in several layers of gauze and squeeze out the juice. Drink 3 times a day, 15 ml each time. Pre-dilute with 250 ml of boiled water.
What not to do
The first and basic rule: take charge of your treatment. Follow a low-carb diet carefully. After eating, try to keep the sugar level no higher than 5. 5 mmol/l. If necessary, supplement the diet with a low dose of insulin.
Don't limit your calories. Eat hearty and delicious, but don't overeat. Stop eating when you feel a little hungry.
Don't skip blood sugar test strips. Measure your sugar 2-3 times a day every day. Periodically check the accuracy of your blood glucose meter. Check their blood sugar 3 times in a row. The difference in the results should not be more than 5-10%. Alternatively, you can conduct a blood sugar test in a lab, then check your blood glucose meter. The permissible deviation of the mobile device is not more than 20% (with a sugar value of 4. 2 mmol/l).
Delaying the start of insulin therapy is a serious mistake. Diabetes complications occur even when the blood glucose level on an empty stomach in the morning or after a meal is 6. 0 mmol/L. Learn how to calculate dosage and how to safely inject insulin.
Do not be lazy to control the disease during stress, business trips and other non-standard situations in life. Self-control logging. Mark the date, time, blood sugar, what you ate, what physical activity was, what insulin and how much you injected.
In the early stages, diabetes can be cured. Swimming, cycling, jogging, and other types of physical activity are all ways to help. They are no less effective than sugar-lowering drugs. A low-carbohydrate diet also works. In some cases, it helps to get rid of the disease. The exception is complex type 1 diabetes. This is a lifelong diagnosis that requires frequent high-dose insulin.